SOCIALPAY - Advertising Widgets for Web 2.0

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Cypress, Texas, United States
Team SocialPAY is a group of Advertising Widget Developers who Distribute entertaining, interactive widgets for Web 2.0 companies and their users. SocialPAY is focused on providing Peer Advertising Services available via the internet. SocialPAY is in collaboration with some of the finest minds in social networking, to bring you the "Peer-To-Peer Advertising Movement" or otherwise known as Advertising 2.0. [Currently in Private BETA] By allowing the open exchange of peer revenue (SocialPAY), users from all over the world contribute to make a truly powerful and efficient web community available to everyone. Through the contributions of many groups within the SocialPAY community, bugs get fixed, improvements are made, and a good P2P Ad Revenue service becomes a great one over time.

May 1, 2007

SocialPAY Ecosystem

SocialPAY wants to make Web Devs rich by inviting them to invent RIAs for our Ecosystem focused on Widget Advertising amongst peers.

Everyday we ask ourselves how we can help other web 2.0 companies turn a profit, rather than how can we get web 2.0 companies to pay us more money.

We figure, Free software, Free consulting, Free education programs, and even more will make SocialPAY an irresistible resource for Web companies and internet users alike. With such free & effective services that help monetize traffic, eventually a majority of Web companies will feel compelled to partner with SocialPAY, which in turn creates an immediate increase of SocialPAY users and transcends into some pretty interesting residual profit margins.

Feb 15, 2007

SocialPAY’s Organizational Goals

Snippet from Recent Interview


“It’s about strengthening our brand,” said Anythony Stephens, President and Founder of SocialPAY. “We anticipate a big jump in online traffic and page views on our web site, further cementing our strategy of having a web presence which supports the growth of the Widget Advertising industry entirely. We win by driving more people to SocialPAY and introducing them to widget based advertising, the social networking industry wins because we create growth and longevity amongst the users of such networks, and most importantly, our users win because they can quickly and easily begin earning revenue through advertising efforts from their peers as well as corporate sponsors. SocialPAY is advertising made easy!”

Every website has something to offer. just offers more!

Full story to be published by XXXXXXXXXX Inc. -- [Pre-Launch]

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Feb 3, 2007


What are the SocialPAY BidGAMES?

Answer: The SocialPAY BidGAMES Competition is a very attractive widget based game to be enjoyed by all website users, but especially to the users who would enjoy making money on a daily basis by placing the BidPLAYER widget onto their webpage. This allows users the opportunity to advertise on your page all while having fun doing it! The BidGAMES are a series of smaller individual games hosted by SocialPAY users that want to gain exposure on the web, either for monetary gain or just for popularity on their favorite websites. These games invite other users who visit your webpage to play for the opportunity to be featured on your webpage. The winners of the overall BidGAMES Competition receive cash prizes from SocialPAY Corp at the end of the twelve-month season.

What is a BidPLAYER

Answer: Widgets as Ecommerce Auction Stores - The BidPLAYER is SocialPAY’s interactive & entertaining website “widget” that is provided to all SocialPAY users, that allows for gaming and e-commerce user interaction amongst peers. It also provides an outlet for users to start participating in the BidGAMES, either by hosting their own BidGAME (by adding the BidPLAYER to their webpage), or by playing in the BidGAMES, or both, all done within the BidPLAYER itself (users are never redirected to another website/webpage).

How do players win?

Answer: The user with the highest bid at the end of a user’s BidGAME wins the game, and is placed in the user’s "Winner's Area” portion of their webpage. To win the entire BidGAMES Competition, users will have to actively participate in all aspects of the BidGAMES, from winning games, to hosting your own games (and be the best in your city doing it).

How to play?

Answer: Users visit a webpage, and see the SocialPAY BidPLAYER. They read it and learn that they can, compete with others for the opportunity to place their , advertisement (photo, audio, video, etc), or anything the host approves of, on this webpage in a specified location entitled, “The Winner’s Area”. They also learn that they could host their own BidGAMES from their own BidPLAYER on their own website for free. They see the price that the advertisement location is going for currently, and the time remaining in the game. They have the option to play by upping the price by increments of $0.10 to however high they want to bid, or to not participate in this game. If they choose to play, they will click “Place Bid”.

Cool Benefits?

Answer: Users want to play for the opportunity to make money on a daily-basis using a free service, for the amusement of interacting with the players of their BidGAME.

Players also play to advertise. By winning they are able to build their reputation, while receiving recognition and respect. Another bonus is being able to interact with the hosts, and for the chance to win the grand prize in their city at the end of the year.

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